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All About Quest ExecutiveSearchware
Quest ExecutiveSearchWare was created from the ground up to fit executive search consultants workflows and demands. Designed by a collective of 20 recruitment consultants in 2001 as an in-house solution that delivered functionality other products could not, Quest then grew into a commercial product. Quest now serves recruitment professionals across the globe of all shapes and sizes. Quest includes a variety of add on tools and data sharing technologies allowing it to serve the single user just as well as the multi-branch enterprise agency.
The Quest team has its heritage in transactional systems development and fully understands the needs of software users, especially when the software is their primary business tool. To successfully deliver value to users the system must be:
-Extensible, i.e. easily extended in function, easily improved.
-Maintainable, i.e. produce as little maintenance overhead as possible, preferably none to the user.
-Scalable, i.e. grow as demanded in terms of users, dataset sizes, locations.
Quest users automatically become members of the Quest community which values user functionality requests. We then process them into our pipeline and aim to get the new features back to the community as soon as possible.
Updates are automatic and without charge. Your subscription fee ensures you are always running the latest version.
The Quest Mission Statement:
“To provide the recruitment software sector with an intuitive, highly functional and constantly evolving recruitment software solution through a progressive business model that understands and adapts to the needs of its recruitment agency clients.”