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Quest ExecutiveSearchWare - Features
Quest has been designed by recruitment consultants and in particular executive search consultants. Quest also benefited from an early Recruitment to Recruitment client that along with their 20recruitmentt consultants helped us to shape Quest into the tool that met their needs. Quest has all you would expect and a bit more to help you manage and place the perfect candidate and to ensure your recruitmnet process flows as it should.
Work online or offline and share data across the cloud.
The cloud is amazing, a data sharing dream come true for those wanting to or needing to avoid the cost of private servers and networks. This is the cloud that we love and that Quest leverages. But lest not forget the desktop. As far as usability, speed, agility a windows application wins hands down over a browser based website application. Quest runs locally and holds data locally to allow you to work offline when you want and when you are online it syncs to the cloud so you can work as a team, knowing your data is safe and accessible. This is a cloud/desktop hybrid solution ensuring your software has the best of both worlds online or offline.

Automated Candidate Entry Points
Whether you are receiving candidates with some volume or sharp shooting them very selectively, candidate processing automation is a key part of the recruitment/search process. Quest allows you to automate the easy stuff such as basic candidate card registration and then allows you to apply your expertise to candidate classifications (see the function tile below for more on this). Quest runs an Outlook Add-on Outlook2Quest that allows you to process the candidate and their CV/resume from within outlook (it also automatically logs inbound and outbound emails against the candidate record for you). Additionally, Quest has several touch points that allow automation of candidate reception from email job boards and file system locations. The objective here is to process automate whilst ensuring your skills are optimised with candidate classifications.

Contacts become Candidates, Work Calls, Sensitivity etc
Quest has an adaptive process that easily allows for the contact (including client contact) life-cycle to candidate. Inbuilt reminders flag sensitive situations such as an active candidate within an active client. Call and contact notes allow for privacy/discretion comments.

Candidate Skills Classifications
Quest has an extremely granular candidate classification system allowing you to tag/score your candidates' skills/sectors and experience at a level that ensures effective and accurate searching later in the process.
Tags are broken up into skills, sectors and functions. Additionally, any work history job titles are also carried through. Any tag can be scored/graded with the system that best suits your needs such as levels (1-5), grades (A,B,C) or experience/time (1-x). As well as structured data you can add your own organic skill notes. The goal here is to ensure you are abel to effectively classify the candidate using as little or as much time and detail and suits your process.

Powerful Assignment Workbench
The Assignment Workbench is at the heart of any recruitment/search system. It is here that data becomes information and that process automation proves its value to your recruitment/search process. Candidates are added manually, automatically (via a job application) or through Quest candidate mining (see the function tile on searching). From there they are tracked as they progress through the application process which you can customise with your own milestones such as contact, interest, reviewed, interviewed to placed etc. Emailing letters (which you can fully customise), emailing Cvs/resumes, creating interviews and other predictable assignment workbench functions are all assisted by Quest process automation/optimisation tools.

Intelligent Mail Centre
Email is of course at the core of communications. Quest shapes emails to fit the recruitment/search process by ensuring what you need is at hand when you need it. If you call the mail Centre from a single candidtae record Quest prepares the potential ingredients you need for that. If you call it from within an assignment Quest will put those ingredients to hand for you. Quest does this by giving you easy access to client/candidate contact details and then your standard attachmnets (such as TsCs), assignmnet attachmnets (such as Job description), client attachments (such as profile, directions) or candidate attachments (such as resumes, letters). Then use quick text building blocks and data merge fields to rapidly build the email you need. Then send single or multiple emails and log all the specifics when you are ready.

Task Management & Event Horizon
Recruitment/search generates allot of events, both future and informational. It's important to have an event management system that understands recruitment. Quest logs all activity against the relevant business objects (clients, candidates,searchess etc) ensuring it is visible when you need it. Quest also manages your event horsizon ensuring ta a glance visibility of your interview horsizon and your typical tasks horizons. Addionally Quest reminds you of events such as post interview reviews, candidate start dates/re-locations and assignment deadlines. Synch tasks to Outlook if you wish. Quest also allows easy access to team event dashboards for team managers ensuring 360' visibility of the business.

Process Automation
With many common tasks within the recruitment, search process it's essential to use a system that understands the balance between process automation and consultant intervention. Quest ensures the safe tasks are fully automated such as logging outbound emails, and that where needed the consultant can manually supervise and add value to the process such as CV/Resume processing. Quest treats process automation more like a toolbox, ensuring that the right tools (such as the mail centre) is ready with the right materials (such as CVs, Profiles, TsCs) to allow the consultant to execute the task with the minimum of manual intervention yet ensure the process executes in a customised fashion exactly as they wish.

Candidate Mining. Candidate Data & CV/Resume queres
Quest allows for advanced data and text searching across your candidate database and cv/resume store. These searches can be run independently and merged and then managed as required before sending them to an assignment workbench for ongoing works. The search results workbench has a variety of sorting and cleaning tools to further filter data after searching.
All search configurations and results are saveable and shareable across the business.